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Second Online Community Survey for Boone Next Live!

The second online community survey for the Boone Next comprehensive plan is now live and will be open through mid-June! Find the survey here. This survey follows the May 1st public workshop held at Hardin Park Elementary School where members of the Boone community received an update on the planning process and provided their input at a series of engagement stations. The online community survey is intended for members of the Boone community that were unable to attend the May 1st workshop and includes the exact same questions as were asked in the workshop.

Thank you to all who attended the in-person workshop and to our Town Council members, Planning Commission members, and Town Leadership/Administration, Cultural Resources, Public Works, and Planning & Inspections Staff for their attendance and assistance!

Once the survey has closed, a report will be created that provides an overview of the community’s input from the first and second in-person workshops and online surveys, which will be used alongside additional resources to draft the Boone Next Comprehensive Plan. The third and final round of community engagement will take place this fall. Stay tuned for more information at

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