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Come to the Boone Next Open House: Presentation of the Draft Plan!

When: Monday, December 9 - 6:00pm to 8:00pm

Where: Town Council Chambers; 1500 Blowing Rock Road, Boone, NC

What: Short Presentation at 6:00pm; Interactive activities to follow

Are you a resident, business owner, or someone who calls Boone home? If so, you are invited to an open house where the draft “Boone Next” Comprehensive Plan will be presented.

This open house is scheduled for Monday, December 9, 2024, from 6-8 p.m. at the Council Chambers located at 1500 Block Rock Road. Following a brief presentation of the draft plan, participants can explore key aspects of the plan at multiple stations for individual and small-group engagement. Community members are welcome to drop by the open house at any time between 6-8 p.m. and explore the draft plan at your own pace.

Following the open house, the draft plan will be available here on the website throughout the holidays for review and comments.

We strongly encourage all community members to participate in the open house and/or provide feedback through the website to ensure that the final plan reflects the collective vision and needs of our community. Your input, as always, is invaluable in shaping the future of Boone!

Once edits have been made and the document becomes finalized, Boone Next will serve as the long-range comprehensive planning document that will establish a shared vision for the growth and development of the Town of Boone and set forth goals, policies, and action steps to direct future Town action.

For additional information about Boone Next, please contact the Town’s Director of Planning and Inspections, Jane Shook at

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